I would like to use this first post to talk a bit about how I work (and some other stuff too)
THE PROCESS (and some of my life routine)
- I usually do my drawings when I feel like it, and what I do is mostly "sketching" doodling (mostly the pencil with no colors).
- In parellel I do housework (When I have to do it on my parents' orders), eating, watching videos, and gaming. Main games played are Ninja Gaiden Sigma (Via Ninja Gaiden Master Collection) and Team Fortress 2.
- Most of the time, on a project, I work on and off on it as I feel like it (I've Autism and ADHD I took medecine for); an exemple of it would be the Zenith Story mock-ups.
- I've only made my Newgrounds account relativly recently and I've A LOT of art on my laptop, some is pixel art, some it memes I did for reddit or my discord server, and most of it are photo of my drawings took with an old phone who I've dedicaded for photography. I do use Photoshop or Gimp from time to time, but I mainly use Paint in the case of my pixel art.
- Today, as I was getting my agenda and checking where my classes were at my college, I thought to myself "I wonder if I did well on the comic contest (Cégep BD)", then "Maybe I should upload the comic I sent for the contest on my Newgrounds account, so more people can see it!". And so here's Rusty Dare (https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/alexturcotteqc/rusty-dare-1-4) was posted.
- In the moment I also posted the Beta art (https://www.newgrounds.com/art/view/alexturcotteqc/unsetlling-punk-lady-bettany-beta).
I hope I ain't looking obnoxious for doing this, I wish you all a nice day!