It all began when I watched this video (who's also the source of the screenshots you see in the background):
Then I did those drawings:
This is the most individually seen post I've ever made up to now on this account. The closest to that is the E-Girl Roxanne series I did with 837 views, and that's if we take acount of the views of each post. Like, I know Kingdom Hearts is popular, but THAT much?!
Sometimes, I wonder what factors lead to people voting, putting the art in their favorite, and getting to see my stuff? Is it my style, maybe the subjects of my drawings, or even complete luck (wouldn't surprise me if it was this)? I would be glad to hear what are the things you prefer in my art or the things you ike the most in my art in the comment section.
Not that I want to streamline my produciton to catter to more people, mainly to check a bit on what you prefer in the stuff I made.
As usual, I hope you enjoy (and in the case of this post, understand)
See you all next time!