She look SO manic!
She look SO manic!
It begins...
Smoll buff Chopper at the beginning, so cute!
So sad Luffy became a coomsume- I mean a Soy Boy.
To all the people who didn't read Scoob & Shag too far, I shall give one tip.
Mickey matters quite a lot, the scooby gun too.
I should really go back to read it one of those days (I think I've reached a bit after the time skip, or at least when Deedee was training with Numbah 5).
Boss Toff.
Asking the real questions.
Kinda hits hard, ngl.
[Skull emoji]
Just an autistic artist drawing manga/anime passing by. I also do 3D modeling and pixel art.
Age 22, Male
Quebec province
Joined on 2/9/23